Codenameartist and i got an idea for starting a Brawl fusing both my characters from "Etrik" and his from "Guardians"
The game would be an RPG rather than Real Time which is much more suitable if we couldn't get any help~
We're searching for some programmers to help us out in this project because my knowledge of a battle system isnt as battle-y as what pros you see on NG.
So if you'd like to join the collaboration please note us about it on this page, Any programming skills, Advanced Effects or Voice Acting would all be appreciated!
There are 6 characters including the just added in Slice of the Brawl (which would be the tiny figure in the air) the other is Etrik's little brother "Bo"
(more pictures from the brawl will be uploaded soon)
thanks for passing by~
Lol I don't know you and have never heard of you, but I'm still looking forward to this, your art style is one that I really enjoy O= goodluck on the project!
mydarksides (Updated )
hehe thanks for the encouragement ;P
though to be honest im already working on an RPG named "Etrik"
I'll upload a screen shot and Entry about it because
Brawl might take a bit xD (codenameartist isnt with me, so~)